We all love Christmas decorations and especially all the lights that shine through the dark.  Lights attract people to admire them and to feel pleasure from the way they sparkle.  The lights seem to welcome us into their warmth and give us a sense of joy. 

As leaders who and what are we attracting?  People are watching and seeking leaders who shine a light on their strengths and on their potential.  It is critical to watch for that potential and allow team members a chance to grow and become all they can accomplish.  Such leaders attract strong talented team members who will outpace others. 

Leaders must also work to attract the right opportunities that will allow their team to sparkle. 

There are many directions you can go if you choose, some will lead to frustration and will overwhelm your team.  Other goals play to the strengths of your team and your organization and can provide stimulating challenges that build healthy growth. 

Joy is another light we must include.  An attitude of joy sees work as something we get to do, not something we have to do.  It is about being grateful for the work we do, the impact we can have, and what can be accomplished despite challenges.  Yes, there will be challenges, but we get to do something we enjoy that makes a difference.  Keeping our focus on our purpose will provide energy for our day and create momentum to persevere. 

Finally, while Christmas decorations last only for a matter of weeks, a leader’s light needs to shine all year.  People will watch us to see if we are genuine and authentic.  If we lose our “sparkle”, our teams will not follow and will look for other opportunities to make a difference.  How much light are you shining for your team?  Let’s shine so others want to follow! 


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