Over the years there have been many definitions for strong leadership.  Some would say that it is courage in difficult times, others would suggest it is being decisive, and still, others would define it as being very goal-driven.  While none of these are wrong, they are incomplete.

These aspects leave out other critical factors that are often overlooked.   Characteristics such as not being ego-driven, equipping and empowering others, and being able to view issues and solutions from others’ perspectives.

For leaders being strong means that you are secure enough to allow others to lead, to encourage their development, and not to be threatened by the success of others.  Being strong means that we are okay admitting that we do not have all the answers, and respecting and even encouraging viewpoints that differ from our own.

Many confuse real personal strength for positional strength.

For example, can you lead a team of people who want to follow because of who you are as a person?  Or do you rely on “I am the boss” and so you must do what I say?  Strong leaders have personal credibility and others will follow because of who they are and how they support those they lead.

A great example of this would be Mother Theresa.  She was humble, understated, did not seek out fame, and was honest about her personal struggles.   However, she had integrity and compassion for those she served and was so committed to the really hard work, that the world knew of her and was moved to follow in her footsteps.  She had a deep internal strength you cannot fake.

How strong are you as a leader?  Do others follow you because of who you are or because you are the boss?  You can begin today to strengthen your character and leadership if you choose.  Join us in being the strong leader that your team and others will want to follow.


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