New Beginnings

If you watch an artist at work, you will observe they begin with a blank canvas. Then they add their outline. Next, they move to add the first background color and then slowly, add different colors and strokes to create a full and beautiful picture.  In order for this beautiful art to be created, there has to be a blank canvas.  With a new canvas comes a new beginning. 

As leaders, you have that opportunity every day.  Leaders sometimes feel that they are stuck.  Stuck in conflicts, difficult situations, or endless to-do lists.  The reality is that every day is a new beginning in which to bring order, beauty, and direction. 

The question is will you focus on the opportunity and see what could be, or will you focus on the obstacles and what is wrong? 


It is the same canvas, but an artist will see the possibilities of what could be created.  They begin step by step to create their vision without really knowing how it will turn out.  Likewise, as leaders, we can see potential but unless we begin to put things into motion, we will not create the wonderful possibilities we could otherwise achieve. 

Leaders must be willing to accept and use the gift of possibilities presented by each day.  Yesterday is over and tomorrow is not here.  Based on the gift you have been given, you have the opportunity to create something new, refine processes, and help a new picture emerge for your team.  Small forward steps can paint a picture of hope and a brighter future.   

What picture have you longed to paint in your organization?  Begin each day by addressing what new colors, images, or shapes you need to add to create a new masterpiece. 


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